What I am learning as the years wind down for my parents

The Bible reminds us of this truth in Job 14:5... A person's days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he can not exceed.

As I watch this season nearing the end for my parents, and the passing of my dad, it has had a great impact on my life. 

These are some of the ways it is shaping my heart and life.

* I am eternally grateful for each day I have shared with them... 

* I realize that the most important things in life are relationships...
* I am grateful that my parents have always said "I love you" whenever we parted ways.
* I am more able to be empathetic and sympathetic to those that have lost loved ones.
* I am reaping the benefits of "honoring my parents" through the years.
* I find comfort in the promises of heaven in a renewed way.
* I treat each visit with them as if it could be our last.
* I am more patient and willing to listen better when things are repeated in conversation.
* I am reminded of all the ways they have sacrificially given to me and my own family.
* I glean the wisdom they still speak to me in conversation.
* I hold my own family tighter and closer.

And this is what I would say to others, as a result of what I am learning.

* Tell your parents you love them each time you are with them

* Honor your parents by caring for them and obeying them in the LORD.
* Pray with your parents and for them.
* Forgive them and do not hold grudges.
* Treat each visit as if it were your last.
* Remind them of all the ways they have blessed your life.
* Never speak despairingly about them to others.
* Don't make fun of them

And for me personally...

* I am doing my best to carry on their legacy of love and generosity.

* Tears come at the most unknown times
* I cherish each day with my family in fresh way
* I long for more to know Jesus so they can have the promises I have in him.
* God is my source of strength.
* I love watching my children love on them 
* I am grateful that my wife is by my side through this time.
* I cherish my brothers and sisters in renewed way as we navigate through this together.
* I am a better husband, Father, Brother, and Pastor!


  1. There is no emoticon to express the feelings this post has brought on. Suffice it to say, I am on this journey with my Dad, and I, too, am grateful for each day we have together. Praying for you and your family, Jim...we love you guys so much...

  2. I could not have said it better Jimmy. Just.beautiful. Love you.

  3. Jimmy, You expressed some great thoughts about these last years with our parents. It's almost unbelievable how fast events took place in our family, back to back. I know you hurt at times, deeply. I understand that part of you well. Always know that I pray for you Jimmy and your family and I'm very grateful for the times we 5 share together, even more. I love you Jimmy Brown and our house is always open to you all.
    It's a bit more comfortjng knowing we all have experienced great losses last year. Carry On my brother ~ łłł


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