Life lessons I have learned after 55 years of life

It's amazing the things you can learn after God gives you 55 years on earth. Here are a few of things I have learned along the way in no certain order. 

These values have shaped my life and ministry.

* God's grace runs to our sin not from it... There is never any sin that Jesus doesn't forgive.

* There are some lessons that can only be learned on the other side of yes... Step out in faith and experience some amazing thing that most never do.

* Believe the Best in others... Give people the benefit of the doubt and listen to both sides of the story.

* Take the high road when people criticize and gossip about you... Never join in and fire back at them just love them.

* Treat everyone with the same respect and value... Never leverage people for your own benefit. 

* Lead by example... Be the first one in and always get your hands dirty with the ones you lead and work harder than everyone else.

* Entitlement is a sin... Jesus humbled himself, and learned to walk and talk again and served others so I should too.

* Live in a generous way... I have been given the most valuable gift, in my salvation in Jesus. Be the first to offer to pay and give your life and possessions away to others. You are more blessed to give than receive.

* True friends stick with you... People stay with you as long as it benefits them but a friend sticks closer than a  brother. A real friend leaves room for mistakes, errors and disagreements.

* Love people no matter what... The world will know we are Christians by our love for one another. No one is outside the reach of our God

* Live your life with passion for Jesus more than anyone or anything else... Never let politics, sports, possessions, or personal achievements cause you to lose more sleep than chasing after Jesus.

* Don't think too highly of yourself... Remember your roots and your inability to do anything good outside of the work of God in your life. You are not more valuable than anyone else.

* Learn to forgive quickly... There is so much freedom in a guilt-free, shame-free, bitter-free, gossip-free and slander-free lifestyle. Never hold grudges and be quick to pray a blessing on the people that have done you wrong.

* Choose not to be offended... I can choose to not be offended. move on so you don't waste useless time pondering those that have offended you.

* Laugh more... Way too many people are too serious. Laughter frees me up to soar.

* Insecurity robs you of life... Daily remind yourself, who you are, and whose you are. No one can stand against us.

* Love your wife and children with everything you got. No relationship is more important outside of Jesus, than your own family. They will be your greatest joy!

* Daily disciplines are irreplaceable... We have the spirt of self control in us, so put them into practice every single day. Time with God, time to exercise, and time to grow.

* Help the underprivileged in our world... Rescue orphans, help the poor, care for the homeless, be an advocate for widows and single moms. 

* Be a lifelong learner... Read, read, read and read. and when you are finished reading read some more.

* Seek Wisdom at all cost... Be quick to listen and slow to speak. Wisdom over preferences wins every time.

* Encourage as many as you can, and as much as you can... Words speak life or death, always speak life into and over people.

* Refresh and Refuel, more... Find ways to get away and get recharged.

* Say I love you, more... Those words are so meaningful 

* Lead as many people to Jesus as possible... That is our mission, to seek and save the lost!

* Be Bold and Courageous... Let that be your mantra for Jesus and everything else will fall into place.

* Dream and pray bigger in every area... Prayer is your life-line and dream connector!


  1. Great're an inspiring friend and teacher! I thank God for allowing our paths to cross!


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