He had a broken leg for 3 years

It is the news every senior in High School  doesn't want to hear from a doctor...

Let me back up about 3 months ago. I received a text from my sister in a meeting, while interviewing Pastor Jordan as a potential candidate for the youth pastor position, that my dad wasn't doing well. It was actually 4 texts.

First one ... Pray for dad he is not doing well. So I prayed as we asked Jordan questions.
Second one... We are calling 911... pray for dad he is having trouble breathing. I continued to pray and begin to check out mentally, while trying to stay focused on the meeting.
Third one... Pray Jimmy they are doing CPR on him, its not good. I stepped out of the meeting, and stood on the track of our gym, and pleaded to Jesus for my dad's life.
Fourth text... Dad is dead... I leaned my head back in the room, grabbed my supplies, and let the guys know I had to go.

As I retreated to my office all kinds of emotion flooded my heart, I sat in my office and tears flooded from my eyes. I called my wife and left a voicemail and then sent a text. She was busy at the time. I grabbed my things and let my secretary know I was leaving, and headed home. 

When I got home my wife had arrived about the same time and I could tell that she had yet to read the text, so I gently paused and shared with her that Dad died. We both held each other and hugged as tears filled our floor in the kitchen. That was one of hardest days of our lives...

Fast forward... We had to pass the news onto our children who loved their Pappy. Needless to say the Brown5 grieved.

That is where the above news comes into play. Isaiah had a doctor's appointment scheduled because his knee was not in good condition. So the next day we rolled into the doctor's office for an evaluation. They checked him out and took an x-ray. 

The doctor walked back in the room and looked at Isaiah and said these words, "your basketball season, which was to begin that week, is finished, your leg is broken!" I could hardly hold back my tears because he had worked so hard over the last years on his basketball game. And it was his senior year, and he was still carrying the weight of Dad's death from the day before.

We talked with the doctor and he told us his recovery would be 4 1/2 months, after surgery...

We all left the doctor's office quietly. It had been two very difficult days for our son and the Brown family.

After more conversations and surgery, the doctor told him after Isaiah's request, that there was an outside chance that he could dress for Senior Night and potentially play. To every person who has ever played High School Sports that is a big deal.

So week after week we have watched Isaiah heroically stand in his faith and never once complain about the hand that was dealt him. He has worked hard at his therapy. He has gone to every practice, and sat on the bench every game supporting his team.

So as February 17th rolls around, "Senior Night" we will probably be a sobbing mess as our son dresses for the game.

I am so proud of our son as he has had a positive attitude throughout this whole ordeal, and has never complained to God for the hand dealt to him. His faith has grown and he has done a heroic job leading his team from the locker room to the bench!

I am proud to call you my son, Isaiah. You have reflected Jesus in a powerful way! Bring on Senior Night!

And oh yeah, the leg was probably broken for the last 3 years and just now diagnosed. Yes he is a tough kid!


  1. Oh how these seasons test us and our strength. I love, admire and am inspired by the Brown5! You are in my prayers daily. I will be cheering you all on come February 17th and can attest to Isaiah's leadership powers as a team mate! I am so happy God allowed our paths to cross...hugs all 'round...


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