Let you in on a little secret

I am concerned about my health and work hard to keep my body in shape both physically and spiritually...

I long to finish the race, well and to run to the finish line after Jesus. Some days I do a better job than others, but I am striving daily to be more like Jesus. It is a joy to know him and serve him. 

30 plus years ago I was challenged by this statement in a Healthy Lifestyles Class "Your heart is a muscle and the more you exercise it, the less it beats and the longer it can last." I will never  forget that day as it convicted me deeply. I realized that I never wanted to limit how God could use me by the poor health choices I was making.

So for 33 years I have been on a regular exercise plan which includes running, pushups, ab workouts and a whole variety of cardio exercises. Plus I have lived with a 80-20 eating plan which allows me to enjoy the not-so-healthy, but tasty 20 percent food and snacks.

In addition to that, I take vitamins and my wife places them on the counter each morning. And yes, they are gummy Multivitamins. I figure they might as well be tasty too.

This morning as I ate my egg sandwich I chewed on two tasty vitamins that were good-really good. Maybe, just maybe that is where my energy comes from:)

All that to say this, too much is at stake for us not to be doing something to house the Holy Spirit, who lives in us! May we never render ourselves ineffective because of our poor health choices!


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