Like Father Like Son

Fathers have an incredible chance to impact the future of their children. I have said this over and over ...

Your children will do what you do. If you are asking your children to do something, yet you choose not to do that same thing, then you can never expect them to act differently.

We have such an incredible opportunity to help shape our children and set them up to soar as adults and the opposite is true too. Take an inventory of your life as a Father and ask yourself this question, "where I am asking my kids to act in a certain way, yet I am doing the complete opposite." Do you want them to be respectful? Do you want them to live with integrity? Do you want them to chase after Jesus? Do you want them to work hard? Every thing we do leaves a mark on their decision making process.

I recently had a conversation with my son, Isaiah and his answer impacted me deeply. We were talking about the danger of alcohol in people's lives and how many are one drink away from making poor decisions. Most are aware of this, but for the record, I do not drink alcohol, and it is a wisdom choice for me. Then I asked Isaiah if he is tempted to drink, and his thoughts on alcohol, and he said this; "You and mom don't drink, and it is never in the house, so I have never really had a desire to drink it either. And he said you have made it just fine without it, so I figure I can too. It really is not an issue for me."

I was taken back by that response and realized that even the things I choose not to do, our kids are watching that too, and it impacts the choices they make. All that to say this, your actions are louder than your words with your kids, and they really do impact your kid's futures...

Look at the way this impacts their future choices 

* When a mother comes to Christ her family will join  the church only 17% of the time, but when a father comes to Christ, his family joins the church 93% of the time.

* There are 113,000,000 men over the age of 15 in America. 69,000,000 have made no profession in Christ.

* On any given Sunday there are 13 million more adult men in church then women!

* Fewer than 10% of churches in America have a vibrant men's ministries.

* Fewer than 1% of men in Churches participate in any men's ministry program.

* 4 out of 5 students in evangelical churches will drop out of church by their senior year in High School

* and so much more...

When you get the man, you get the family, you get the community, and you get the world for Jesus!

And for the record, that is my 3rd grade school photo :)


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