I was totally shocked by this

This summer, my wife and I completed 20 years of ministry at Grace Community Church...

It was DadFest Sunday here at Grace Community Church. We go all out on Father's Day to reach our men in our community. And we combine all three services into one, on the grassy land, on our property. 

Tons of work goes into to this event, and it is one that I feel very passionate about. Get the man, you get the family, you get the community, and you get the world for Jesus. 

We kicked it off with an hour motorcycle ride 

It was a sunny day and God just blew us away as almost 100 people made decisions to trust in Jesus

Tons of people were baptized and God was on the move in powerful way!

As I began to wrap things up, and to be quite frank, I was exhausted, but a good-exhausted, I asked Pastor Jon to close out the service. I was making my way off the stage, and ready to work my way to my office to grab my things, and enjoy Father's Day with my kids, but then Pastor Jon said....

... we aren't finished Jim. And he asked them to play a video that had been prepared for me, from people who had labored in the trenches with me; my family, my staff, my pastors, my elders, and close colleagues. 

I was in tears, and was shocked that they had gone to this effort to say thanks. As I watched, while standing with my family, the elders then presented to me and my wife, an envelope, with a gift in it. The gift was the vacation of our choice. I remember gasping when receiving it. I never expected it or deserved it.

So this coming Sunday, my wife and I, will be using that gift. We will be vacationing to Hawaii for a week, in the heart of the winter. 

A heartfelt thanks to Grace Community Church for giving so generously to make this happen. Aloha!


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