The size of your dreams determines the size of your God

A few weeks ago Anne and I stood on the beach of the North Shores in Oahu Hawaii. We both gasped at what we saw and both us said, "wow over and over again"...

As we stood there we had the same feeling we did many years ago, as we stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon. We were blown away at the creation of our God. It expanded our view of our Awesome God. I have often shared that these are kind of places that my soul comes alive. As we watched 20 foot waves come crashing in, we were overwhelmed with the greatness of our God.

It is good for us to see beyond our daily 9-5 grind, and to get out and visit the creations of our God, because we soon see God in a fresh way.

My wife and I are firm believers that your children need to be exposed to new cultures, new countries, and new places, so that their view of God and their faith can grow leaps and bounds. When we begin to understand  the greatness of our God we realize that nothing is impossible with him. And we begin to dream big dreams. We realize that the size of our dreams is determined by the size of our God. 

It is important to write your dreams down and then pray about them, and watch God get more glory, as he brings them to fruition. 

So what are your dreams? The size of your dreams determines the size of your God! Here are a few of my dreams and if you feel compelled by the Spirit I ask you to join me in prayer for these. My desire is that God uses these to bring more glory to himself.

Life Goals/ Dreams 2017

· Elk Hunt and bag 3 bull elk with my sons out west on a week-long hunt
· Bear Hunt and bag 3 grizzly bear with my sons in Alaska. I have personally hunted on my own but want to share that experience with my boys.
· Preach before 40,000 men and challenge them to live to their redeemed potential as Fathers, Husbands and Brothers.
· Preach an evangelism message in an outside Arena to thousands in Kurdistan/ Iraq
· Write and Publish a book for Men
· Caddy for my younger son, Isaiah on the PGA tour
· Be a prayer partner with our President of the USA in The White House.
· Run a Marathon with my daughter in Hawaii
· Own a log home with my wife on the shoreline of a lake/ocean and use it to reach people for Jesus and enjoy God’s creation. And my wife own and operate a coffee shop there.
· Lead 100,000 people to Jesus.
· Love my wife as Jesus loved the Church until Jesus calls one of us home or the Rapture occurs.
· Take a family vacation to Hawaii with our children. My wife and I have been there.
· Become a participant on a Survivor Reality show with my son, Josh.
· Kiss my wife at the top of The Eiffel Tower.
· Buy a 65 Convertible Mustang for my wife and a 68 RS/SS Camaro for me.
· Plant a vibrant Church for Jesus in Mosul/ Iraq
· Play a round of golf at Augusta with my boys and have my wife and daughter walk with us to keep score.
· Hit an Albatross in golf
· Lead Tiger Woods to Jesus
· Remain physically fit enough to be able to run a 5k at 75
· Leave a legacy of courage, boldness, generosity, faith and integrity in my children and grandchildren.
· Reverse the tithe in my giving where I keep 10% and give away 90% to the Lord’s Work.
· Watch the 150,000 lost people in Elkhart County Trust in Jesus Christ before my time at Grace is completed.
· Live to see my grandchildren trust in Jesus Christ.
· Hike the Grand Canyon with my wife.
· Become a chaplain for a Professional Sports Team
· Get a spot on Family Talk with James Dobson and talk about Fight Club.
· Hold my wife’s hand and swim in the Dead Sea in Israel.
· Patent a product that sells millions to rescue 1000 orphans in Asia and have the home named after my Family.
· Hear the words "Well-Done" from my Savior.

· Make the World a better place for Jesus because of my time here


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