One phone call could save a life

How much would you give to see your son or daughter handed the gift of eternal life...

The answer to that question is simple for me. We would sell everything and give our lives if we knew our kids could have eternal life. By he way our children have trusted in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Paul reminded us in Romans 9:3 that if it were possible, though it isn't, that he would die and be cursed so that someone could be saved! Now that is someone willing to do most anything to see someone receive eternal life!

There is no greater gift a person can receive than Jesus Christ. We long to be a church that is willing to do whatever it takes, to take the good news of Jesus to them. Besides, the Gospel was never meant to stop with us and we are God's last plan to share the Gospel.

On Sunday we took some steps forward to reach the150,000 people of Elkhart County, who do not have a place to call their home church, and most likely are unsaved.

At the end of the message, I grabbed a page from the telephone book and...

... I shared that the book contained names of thousands of people who live in Elkhart County. I asked our church to grab a page from the phonebook that was on the front of the stage. 

People came forward in all 3 services and picked up a page to take home with them...

I asked them to begin praying through this page and ask the Holy Spirit to show them who to reach by letter or a simple phone call.

Imagine what might happen, if every person in Elkhart County is prayed for by name, and thousands are contacted by attendees of Grace Community. It brings tears to my eyes to consider that people will trust in Jesus by doing this simple act. 

Just this morning, one of our staff members shared that as he was reading through his page, he realized that someone on his street was on his page. By the way, he stated "I don't know them now, but I soon will."

Would you join us in prayer as we long to take the good news of Jesus to our community?

And the good news is that we found another good way to use a phone book!


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