My 55 year-old me talking to my 18 year-old me
A big shout-out to every High School Graduate! This a big moment in your life! I would like to pass on some things I have learned since my high school graduation. Maybe you could say they are "words of wisdom."
So picture if you can the 55 year-old version of me talking to the 18 year-old version of me. Hopefully these words of wisdom will benefit our High School Graduates.
* Jesus is and will be your only constant source of hope and salvation for the rest of your life.
* The pursuit of money only will leave you empty and lonely.
* Relationships with people are your greatest investment outside of Jesus Christ.
* Make a bucket list and begin checking them off.
* Don't fret or worry about how it is all going to work out, because God has your back.
* Begin a savings plan.
* Honor your mother and father till they breathe their last breath
* Show respect to those that are older than you.
* Work as if you are working for the Lord.
* Filet a fish.
* Be adventurous and take calculated risk.
* Don't rush into marriage, make sure you know who you are before you commit to someone else for a lifetime.
* Be loyal.
* Place the interests of others above your own.
* Stay connected to a local church.
* Alcohol is overrated.
* Never take drugs.
* You will accomplish a lot more in 5 years than in 1 year. See the big picture.
* Sleep under the stars.
* Your name carries great value work hard to live a godly life with integrity.
* Try something new regularly.
* Wear a coat when it is cold out... seriously you don't have to say "I'm not cold!"
* Ride a motorcycle.
* You will have a few friends that you can say are as close as a brother, people will leave you when they no longer need you.
* Life will not always be fair, if you struggle with that look at the cross for help.
* Shoot a bear!
* Get fit and stay healthy now it will allow you to be used by God in your golden years.
* Be generous and serve others, you are more blessed to give than to receive.
* Laugh more and live of life of thankfulness.
* Own a Jeep.
* Ride a roller coaster when you are 40.
* Don't gossip, or speak despairingly about others.
* Be a life-long learner.
* Rescue Orphans and help Widows that is pure and faultless religion.
* Don't fall in love with your job more than the loved ones in your life.
* Don't hold grudges and let bitterness creep into your life.
* Hike a mountain
* Forgive those that wrong you and extend gobs of grace.
* Remember your identity is not who you were in High School but who you are in Jesus!
* Be more spontaneous
* Travel and take vacations and find ways to refuel and refresh your mind, soul, and body.
* Call mom often.
* Surf a wave in Hawaii.
* Send Dad a text and tell him you love him .
* Mentor someone.
* Bad company corrupts good character, you don't make friends that make you.
* Hold things on earth loosely you could die tomorrow.
* Moms and Dads really have your best interest in mind.
* Don't plan on doing things in retirement, live life to the fullest now!
But remember Keep Jesus your number one priority because you will pass away one day and eternity has one of two options Heaven or Hell.
Oh, inspiring...when are you going to finish that book I pray you're writing?!?!?!