I long to be partially responsible for ...

This past week I was greatly impacted by the memorial at Pearl Harbor, and it left me asking this question; "what will I be remembered for?"

I have a deep longing in me to do things that really matter. Let me explain...

I do not want to waste my life on earth with things that have no eternal value. I do not want to just be a blip on the radar screen that was here for 75 years, yet didn't make the world a better place. I have a deep longing to use my gifts, abilities, skills, and talents to point people to Jesus.

With that being said this is my life goal. "To Be Partially Responsible For _______________" 

I long for my life to inspire others to reach further, achieve higher, believe more, push harder, dream bigger, laugh more, attempt quicker, get back up sooner, go deeper, run faster, risk longer and become the person that Jesus intended them to be after spending time with and around me. 

That is my life goal, to be partially responsible for nudging someone to become more than they ever thought they could be.

Peal Harbor added fuel to that life goal for me, as I heard the story once again.

The memorial floats above the sanctuary, of lives that were given that day, on the Arizona. As I stood there I wondered if these men could speak, what they might say today? I wondered what they think of the millions of people  who have visited this memorial? I wondered what their last thoughts were as they heroically gave their lives? I wondered how difficult it was for their families to receive the news, that they were dead? I wondered if they knew Jesus? 

Then I wondered what people might say about me, one day, at my memorial service...

We were asked not to talk during the tour and to whisper if need be. Anne and I were silent and listened intently to the Retired Marine tell the story. We understood this was a sacred place, and out of respect for our fallen heroes we quietly took it in.

At the front of the memorial is a wall, with the names of the fallen. I was struck by the names of the 5 Brown men that gave their lives that day. I wondered if we were related in any way? I wondered if they were related, because there were many brothers that died on December 7, 1941? I wondered if they were believers? I wondered what their last thoughts were? 

I thanked the LORD for my Brown heritage and for my own BROWN5.

The ship continues to leak oil, and some think it will stop weeping oil when the last survivor is buried. There are still 5 remaining survivors.

I walked away knowing that this is all legacy talk. These are the kind of thoughts that come to mind when I think about legacy. By the way; an inheritance is what you leave for someone, a LEGACY is what you leave in someone!

My hope is that I am partially responsible for inspiring people to do far more, attempt far more, accomplish far more, achieve far more, love far more, believe far more, risk far more, dream far more than they ever thought possible with God, after rubbing shoulders with me on this planet.

 A legacy isn't a legacy until it lives on, in the life of someone else!  And Please LORD Jesus help me to be "partially responsible for that!"


  1. You definitely have partnered with Jesus and are partially responsible for changed lives in the Beyer House. We are eternally grateful for your presence in our lives, dear friend.


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